Clinical signs of meningitis

When examining a child for signs of meningitis it is crucial to remember that the younger a child the less likely it will be to have neck stiffness or photophobia (especially those <2 years of age). Be guided by the parents as to whether the child is drowsy or behaving inappropriately. Often parents are quick to recognise that the cry of a baby has changed or they are making poor eye contact.

(co-existing with symptoms of meningitis)

Clinical signs of raised intracranial pressure

Children with meningitis are at risk of developing RICP (see pathophysiology of RICP).

Signs of RICP are:

Patients with RICP may have prolonged capillary refill time and a mild metabolic acidosis. If these signs are present in a patient with a normal heart rate or bradycardia, and a normal or high blood pressure, then they are not due to shock.

The diagnosis of raised intracranial pressure is a clinical one: